.NET Configuration with Prometheus for Monitoring

Incorporating robust monitoring and alerting mechanisms into your application is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and responding swiftly to potential issues. Integrating .NET Configuration with Prometheus can provide detailed insights into your application’s performance metrics, configuration changes, and overall health. 


Setting Up Prometheus Monitoring in .NET

First, make sure you have Prometheus installed. You can download the binaries from the official Prometheus website. Extract the downloaded tarball, navigate to the directory, and execute the binary:


./prometheus –config.file=prometheus.yml

prometheus.yml is the configuration file where you define how Prometheus scrapes metrics from your endpoints.


Installing Prometheus .NET Libraries

To get started with .NET Configuration integration with Prometheus, we will use the prometheus-net library. This library simplifies exposing metrics for Prometheus scraping.


Add the required Prometheus package to your .NET project using NuGet:


dotnet add package prometheus-net.AspNetCore

Middleware Configuration in ASP.NET Core

Configure the middleware to expose the metrics endpoint. Update your Startup.cs (or Program.cs depending on your .NET version) file:


using Prometheus;


public class Startup


    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)


        // Add required services here



    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)


        if (env.IsDevelopment())





        // Prometheus Metrics Middleware






        app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>






With this, your ASP.NET Core application will expose metrics at the /metrics endpoint, which Prometheus can scrape.


Monitoring .NET Configuration Changes

Tracking configuration changes in a .NET application is vital for understanding the state of your application. This can be achieved by monitoring your configuration files (like appsettings.json) and exposing these changes as metrics.


Firstly, create a service to monitor these configurations:


public class ConfigurationMonitor


    private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;

    private readonly Gauge _configurationReloads;


    public ConfigurationMonitor(IConfiguration configuration)


        _configuration = configuration;

        _configurationReloads = Metrics.CreateGauge(“configuration_reload_count”, “Counts the number of times the configuration has been reloaded.”);


        _configuration.GetReloadToken().RegisterChangeCallback(OnConfigurationReloaded, null);



    private void OnConfigurationReloaded(object state)



        // Additional logic for handling configuration changes



You need to inject this service in Startup.cs:


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)




Now, every time your configuration changes, the gauge configuration_reload_count will increment and be available in your Prometheus metrics.


Exposing Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are critical for gauging the efficiency of your application. Utilize Prometheus to measure aspects like request duration, memory usage, and error rates.


Request Duration

Enable both HTTP request metrics and custom metrics:


public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)


    app.UseHttpMetrics(options =>


        options.RequestDuration.Enabled = true; // Measure request duration

        options.RequestCount.Enabled = true;    // Measure request count

        options.ErrorCount.Enabled = true;      // Measure error counts



    // Other middleware




    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>





Prometheus will now automatically collect metrics about request durations, counts, and errors from your application.


Custom Metrics

For more specific performance metrics, creating custom counters, gauges, or histograms may be necessary:


public class PerformanceMetricsService


    private readonly Counter _requestCounter;


    public PerformanceMetricsService()


        // Custom metric for counting specific requests

        _requestCounter = Metrics.CreateCounter(“custom_request_count”, “Counts specific requests”);



    public void RecordRequest()





Inject and utilize this service in your controllers as required:




public class SampleController : ControllerBase


    private readonly PerformanceMetricsService _metricsService;


    public SampleController(PerformanceMetricsService metricsService)


        _metricsService = metricsService;




    public IActionResult Get()



        return Ok(“Request successfully recorded.”);



Application Health Monitoring

Application health is crucial for ensuring your services are running correctly. Prometheus and ASP.NET Core’s Health Checks integration can be leveraged to provide proactive monitoring.


Adding Health Checks

Start by adding the health checks services in your Startup.cs:


public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)



            .AddCheck(“self”, () => HealthCheckResult.Healthy());


Next, expose the health endpoint:


public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)



    app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>






Prometheus Health Check Integration

Integrate Prometheus to monitor these health check endpoints. In prometheus.yml, add your application’s health check endpoint to the scrape configuration:



  – job_name: ‘your-app-health’

    metrics_path: ‘/healthz’


      – targets: [‘localhost:5000’] # Replace with your application’s address

Alerting on Configuration and Performance Metrics

To enable alerting based on these metrics, you need to configure Prometheus’ Alertmanager.


Create alert rules in the prometheus.yml:



  – ‘alert.rules.yml’



  – job_name: ‘your-app’


      – targets: [‘localhost:5000’]

An example of alert.rules.yml:



  – name: example


      – alert: HighRequestLatency

        expr: http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{job=”your-app”} > 0.5

        for: 5m


          severity: warning


          summary: “High request latency detected in {{ $labels.instance }}”

          description: “Request latency is above 0.5 seconds for more than 5 minutes.”


      – alert: ConfigurationChanged

        expr: configuration_reload_count > 10

        for: 1m


          severity: info


          summary: “Frequent configuration reloads”

          description: “Configuration has been reloaded more than 10 times in the past minute.”

Configure the Alertmanager to handle these alerts by specifying the route and receivers in alertmanager.yml:



  group_by: [‘alertname’]

  receiver: ‘webhook’



  – name: ‘webhook’


      – url: ‘http://example.com/alert’

Make sure to point Prometheus to your Alertmanager instance:




  – static_configs:

    – targets: 

       – localhost:9093

Combining .NET Configuration with Prometheus monitoring provides comprehensive insights into your application’s health, performance metrics, and configuration changes. Implement the above steps to ensure systematic monitoring and alerting, allowing you to maintain efficient operations and preemptively address potential issues.

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