Features in Entity Framework Core 6

Entity Framework Core 6 (EF Core 6) stands at the forefront of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks, delivering a sophisticated toolset for developers to interact with a database using .NET objects, without the need to write most of the data access code themselves. As technology evolves, EF Core continues to push the boundaries, providing enhanced performance, supporting an expanding range of data types, and embracing broader database ecosystem inclusivity, like NoSQL databases. 

Performance Improvements in EF Core 6

One of the compelling reasons to migrate to EF Core 6 is its significant performance advancements, which can be seen across numerous facets of the framework’s operation. The EF Core team has made substantial investments to optimize internal processes, query execution, and materialization, which is the process of reading data from the database and converting it into .NET objects.

For instance, EF Core 6 introduces compiled models, a noteworthy feature that reduces startup time and improves throughput for applications. Unlike previous versions where the model was validated and compiled at runtime, with compiled models, this is now done at build time, which translates to faster application startup times and smoother overall performance, as the cost of model creation is incurred only once.

To showcase a simple usage example, consider the following code snippet that demonstrates how to opt into using compiled models:

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)





Here, MyCompiledModel.Instance represents a pre-compiled model that the application can utilize, bypassing runtime model-building overhead.

Another enhancement targeting EF Core performance is the optimization of LINQ query translation. LINQ queries are now translated more efficiently into SQL, reducing the complexity of the generated SQL for many common query patterns. This improvement means that queries not only execute faster against the database but also minimize the load on the database server, paving the way for more scalable applications.

Expanding Data Type Support

Data modeling is a central aspect of using any ORM framework, and EF Core 6 broadens the horizons by incorporating support for new data types and mapping configurations, allowing developers to map their C# models more accurately to the database schema.

For example, EF Core 6 includes improved support for JSON column types, which is increasingly important as developers work with semi-structured data or need to store complex hierarchies within a single column. This new feature simplifies the process of mapping JSON columns to POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) properties. With proper configuration in the model building phase, you can effortlessly read and write JSON data:


    .Property(e => e.MyJsonProperty)


        v => JsonSerializer.Serialize(v, null),

        v => JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MyJsonType>(v, null));


The code above demonstrates how an entity property can be configured to serialize and deserialize JSON data when reading and writing to a JSON column in the database.

Enhanced NoSQL Support

EF Core 6 also brings along an improved experience for developers working with NoSQL databases. Given the rise of NoSQL in handling large volumes of unstructured data, distributed systems, and for its scalability advantages, it is becoming more critical for ORM frameworks to have first-class support for such databases.

Particularly, the support for Azure Cosmos DB has been significantly polished in this release, making it easier than ever to integrate with this NoSQL database. The EF Core 6 updates make it possible to configure and manage entities in a way that aligns with non-relational database structures, such as specifying container names, partition keys, and utilizing the native performance of such NoSQL databases.

Consider the example below, where configuration options are set for an entity to align it with the NoSQL database structure:



    .HasPartitionKey(e => e.PartitionKey);


In this instance, the entity MyNoSqlEntity is explicitly mapped to a container named “MyContainer”, and a partition key property is outlined, which is crucial for performance and scalability in Cosmos DB’s architecture.

Streamlined Data Modeling

EF Core 6 simplifies the complex process of data modeling, which involves defining the relationships and behavior of data within applications. One of the areas that have seen improvement is many-to-many relationships, which in previous versions required an explicit join entity to be defined. EF Core 6 now supports implicit many-to-many relationships, which means developers can define a many-to-many relationship without needing to specify a join table in their model:

public class Student


    public int Id { get; set; }

    public List<Course> Courses { get; set; }



public class Course


    public int Id { get; set; }

    public List<Student> Students { get; set; }



In this example, a Student entity is related to a Course entity through a many-to-many relationship. EF Core 6 understands this relationship without additional configuration, generating the appropriate schema and allowing for intuitive querying and data manipulation.

Reinforced ORM Framework Capabilities

Under the hood, EF Core 6 also ratchets up its essential ORM capabilities. Database scaffolding, migrations, and advanced mappings continue to be refined, supporting a wide range of database providers and configurations.

For instance, migrations in EF Core 6 are more robust, with enhanced support for managing database schema changes in a reliable, incremental manner. Temporal tables, which allow for tracking historical data changes directly in the database, can now be managed directly through EF Core migrations, enhancing data auditing and tracking capabilities:


    .Annotation(“SqlServer:IsTemporal”, true)

    .Annotation(“SqlServer:TemporalHistoryTableName”, “MyEntityHistory”)

    .Annotation(“SqlServer:TemporalHistoryTableSchema”, “dbo”)

    .OldAnnotation(“SqlServer:IsTemporal”, false);


This code snippet demonstrates how a temporal table annotation can be added to an existing entity called MyEntity using a migration script. This is a seamless integration between EF Core 6 and advanced SQL Server features.

By offering an upgraded suite of features, Entity Framework Core 6 rounds out its spot as a top-tier ORM framework for today’s .NET developers. The performance enhancements ensure that applications are faster and more scalable. Broader data type support and NoSQL database integration broaden the use cases for EF Core, catering to modern and legacy projects alike. Streamlined data modeling and strengthened core capabilities mean that developers can focus more on business logic and less on the grunt work of data access.

Whether you are delving into the ORM world or are a veteran looking to upgrade your toolkit, Entity Framework Core 6 delivers the advancements you need to build efficient, robust .NET applications fit for the modern era of software development.

Please note, it’s crucial to assess your project’s requirements against the features and changes of EF Core 6 before migrating, as each update may impact your system differently. However, with the range of improvements discussed, EF Core 6 promises a substantial move forward for developers dedicated to the .NET ecosystem.

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